Friday, November 14, 2008


ok so i complained about my feet getting swollen and now I am going to whine about one more thing. Besides the fact that my body is growing so rapidly and i am having a hard time remembering what it used to look like my knees and hips are SO SORE.I think is from the extra weight, but now I know what people are talking about when they say you are SO READY for the baby to come out towards the end. I am READY now. I just feel like a streched out slug.I know its worth it though. I need to complain for a minute and give Cason a break.


Sara Bingham said...

Cason should be well educated in pregnancy complaints after working at RHLF. It's true, you do forget what it's like NOT to be pregnant. I felt like I was preggers forever!And told myself everyday I would never do this again. But 7 months later I'm ready to do it all over again! Hang in there. (and where are those belly pictures?!?)

Cort, Kimi, Metz and Chase said...

I'm sorry!! But when you hold little Cale - you'll still remember ;) but a few months after that you do forget. Hang in there! You can always complain to me!!! Love ya.

The Facers said...

Oh dear, the painful memories of pregnancy. But yes, its all worth it!