Monday, July 20, 2009

Kanab weekend

This past weekend we went to Kanab Utah with my brother in law and his family. We had a lot of fun with the horses, and just getting out of the heat. Cale really enjoyed himself as well.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fourth of July

I haven't had posted any pics for a while so I will try to catch up but here are a couple pics from the ourth of july. We went up to Kanab utah for the weekend watched the parade in the morning, had a big family lunch, and went to the fireworks in the park. It was so nice to actually be somewere where it was cool enough to walk around and enjot the outside.

I thought Cale might get scared of the fireworks but he loved them. They were a little loud though I had to cover his ears :)
ps. not the best pic of me.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Baby Questions

Okay so I have a really great baby. He is happy and a pretty good sleeper, but how old are they usually when they start sleeping like 8-10hrs. Right now I he takes a bottle and falls asleep while I rock him but when do you put them in their cribs and let them fall asleep on their own. Also how do you get them on a sleep schedule? Cale just sleeps when hes tired it is a little different everyday.

I am not too worried about it now but I don't want him to get used to having a bottle when he goes to bed and I also don't want him to get used to waking up at night and get in the habit of it.