Monday, June 30, 2008

Baby News

I am sure everyone knows this already but Cason and I are having a baby!!!! I am due January 10th and we couldn't be more excited. So far so good I haven't been sick at all. Yea!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Family Fun

This week my cute little nieces are in town so we will be hanging out with them all week, playing swimming, doing hair, and nails. I love having little kids around. They keep me young :)
If anyone has some fun activity ideas to do with kids I am all ears.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

posting rules

So eveytime I check other peoples blogs I get so bugged if they haven't been updated for a while. Then when I look at my own I relize that I am the same way. So I am going to post more, but I can't promise they will all be that interesting. But wouldn't you rather read something uninteresting than nothing?

I also am so excited to see this movie

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Little Vacay

This last week Cason and I have been visiting my family in AZ. It was so fun, HOT, but fun. We went swimming, shopping, movies, and visited the zoo. We also got to see my sister perform at a local theater in they play Peter Pan. She was one of the mermaids and her costum was gorgeous. All in all a real good time and a much needed break.

Summer Garden

So latley Cason, Jan, and I (mostly Cason and Jan) have been working on a garden. so far we have successfuly sprouted carrots, green onions, beets, cucumbers, squash, strawberries, and tomatoes.
I also have grown some nice little herbs. I have cilantro, basil and tyme. that has been the most fun so far becasue they smell so good. I will have to post pictures next time. It has been a fun little hobby watching them grow and making sure they have water and everyhting.