Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Small break and projects

So Cason has had a coupe weeks off of school between spring and summer session and in this time we have tried to fit a lot in. We went through all of our junk and I have been throwing everything away (ever get in those moods?) ORGANIZING ORGANIZING ORGANIZING, started a lot of projects (hopefully we finish them before the full blown fall session starts) both cason and I have ADD problems so we work on a project until we get board and then start a new one leaving things unfinished until I get in the mood and finish them. We also spent a lot of time with the kids. We went to an outdoor movie night at the baseball stadium by our house, went swimming almost everyday and just played and played. It is so fun to see them with their dad. He has been gone so much lately for school and they have missed each other.
here are few things we started note these are not pics of my house (i wish) just where i got some ideas.

I have been labeling and organizing the kids toys and clothes trying to get things looking like this..Acutually almost done with this I just need a few more baskets

We need to paint and put up the molding in the bathrooms around the mirror. this was super cheap and looks so nice when finished

This pantry looks so nice and neat I love it. My pantry is teeny but I am working on getting everything into containers and finding labels for them. I cleaned out all the old food and stuff shoved in the panty. its amazing how much room we have now!

I found this pic and fell in love with the colors. I painted an accent wall in my bedroom this blueish color and have fabric for a headboard similar to this. I just have to get the batting and put it together but I am so excited for this one!

these bookshelves are another easy and cheap project I am excited about my shelves are black and I spray painted all the baskets in them white and bought new white accessories for them I just need to find the right paper for the back. I can;t decide between a light blue and white or black and white.

well when I finish these projects I will post some real pics. hopefully soon. Until then I am keeping m eye out for cheap baskets, and a few other things.


Di said...

Hey you... I just called you :) I missed you at the RS meeting, church and playgroup... but now I know it's because you are busy doing projects :) fun stuff... when you are done organizing your house come on over to mine why don't ya!

Elizabeth said...

I want to come see it all in person when we get back into town! And I really want to do my bathroom mirrors like that too, so you'll have to give me some pointers!

Angie said...

Looks like you and I frequent the same blogs! Fun stuff:)